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Jumping Spider Care


Care sheet 

Jumping spiders are very easy to care for but you need to know the basics! 

When buying your spider you will be informed of what instar they are. This is how we measure the growth of a spiderling. We sell from Instar 5-10 and adults. 

For slings I-3 through I-5 you will feed flightless fruit flies every other day. 2-5 flies is plenty for a single sling. Humidity is very important for spiderling as they need this to safely molt thier exoskeleton as they grow. Lightly mist your slings enclosure 1-2 times a day. Using a small humidifier near your slings will help too. 

Once your sling is I-6 you can introduce mini mealworms and spikes (fly maggots) 

Molting: When jumping spiders are getting ready to molt they will make a thick dense web and may stay in it for up to 3 weeks. During this time they won’t come out to eat. It is very important to mist the enclosure and near the web. Your spider may choose to drink from the wet web. 

Once full grown your spider won’t molt anymore. 

Adults: Full sized jumping spiders should eat 1-2 times a week. They can eat a variety of feeder insects. Mealworms, spikes (maggots) flies and crickets. Misting thier enclosure every day will keep up thier water needs and humidity. Note: male jumping spiders may go weeks in between feeding. Always offer something just in case. 

Females will lay eggs even if they were never paired. We suggest pulling the sac to help your spider continue eating and drinking. Leaving the sac in will make your spider want to protect them and they might not come out to eat and drink. 

Enclosure needs: 

Jumping spiders are arboreal which means they like to make thier little homes up high. They need room to walk around freely and hunt thier food. We suggest the following enclosure sizes. 

I-3 thru I5: a small 2x2 container. Most will come in a deli cup. This is plenty of space for them to make little nest and hunt

I-6 thru I-7: 2x2x4 enclosure 

I-7 through I-9: 3x3x6 enclosure 

I-9 through adulthood: 4x4x8 and 6x6x9 

Elderly spiders: As your spider starts to slow down you will have to put them into a smaller container to make sure they can catch thier food with ease. 

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